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Kandidatai. Kongreso apdovanojimas–2022 (socialiniai ir politiniai mokslai)

Toliau skelbiame pretendentų sąrašus Kongreso apdovanojimui už geriausias 2021 metų mokslines publikacijas gauti. Šį kartą kviečiame susipažinti su darbais kategorijoje "Socialiniai ir politikos mokslai" (straipsniai).

Kandidatų sąrašas:

  • Нэлі Бекус. “Echo of 1989? Protest Imaginaries and Identity Dilemmas in Belarus”. Slavic Review. 2021.

  • Аляксей Кажарскі. “Belarus’ new political nation? 2020 anti-authoritarian protests as identity building”. (January 2021) New Perspectives.

  • Таццяна Кулакевіч & Aaron Augsburger. “Contested elections, protest, and regime stability: comparing Belarus and Bolivia”. Canadian Slavonic Papers. 2021, Vol. 63, No. 3–4, 316–337.

  • Сяргей Мудроў. “Doomed to fail? Why success was almost not an option in the 2020 protests in Belarus”. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. Vol. 29 (2021), pp.109-120.

  • Таццяна Чуліцкая. “Political Science or Science in the Service of Politics: Internal and External Co-option in Belarus”, in Political Science in the Shadow of the State - Research, Relevance, Deference. Edited by Rainer Eisfeld and Matthew Flinders. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Pp. 257-288.

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Lithuania Belarus
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